226 f(-p1) + f(-p2) e-(p3) + e+(p4) + νe(p5) + νe(p6) + f(p7) + f(p8)


226.1 e-e+νeνe-pair production via WBF, processes 226

This weak process occurs at O(α6), and contains contributions, from both WW and ZZ production. This process can currently only be calculated at lowest order.

226 f (p1)+ f(p2) → e- (p3) +e+ (p4)+ νe(p5)+ �νe(p6)+ f(p7)+ f(p8)[W BF ]

226.2 Plotter

nplotter_qqZZqq.f is the default plotting routine.

226.3 Example input and output file(s)

input226.ini process226.out
