11 W+jet production, processes 11,16

These processes represent the production of a W boson which subsequently decays leptonically, in association with a single jet. The calculation may be performed at NLO.

When ‘removebr‘ is true, the W boson does not decay.

Comparison to ATLAS data at 8 TeV

This calculation is based on ref. [1] and can be run using ‘nproc =11‘ and ‘nproc = 16‘. The experimental data combines the W+ and W- decays which is done by adding the results from processes 11 and 16. More information can be found in [/build/input_W_1606.05864.ini](./input_W_1606.05864.ini) while changing the ‘nproc‘, ‘part‘ and ‘doscalevar‘ lines as needed. More information can also be found in the table below.

11.0.1 Fiducial cuts for W e at √s = 8 TeV

Lepton Cuts pTe > 25 GeV,
|ηe| < 2.5,
Jet Cuts pTjets > 10 GeV

The processes involved were fixed-order and the experimental data had to be renormalized because the theoretical data will diverge as it approaches zero. Starting with the fourth bin, the experimental data was normalized so that the integral 1∕σ dpTdσ∕dpT = 1. Additionally, as seen in the second graph, the scale variables were normalized with respect to the total cross-section ie, the scale variables and cross-sections were summed together and then divided by the total cross-section and bin widths.



[1]    CMS collaboration, Measurement of the transverse momentum spectra of weak vector bosons produced in proton-proton collisions at √ -
  s = 8 TeV, JHEP 02 (2017) 096 [1606.05864].