0.1 Z production, processes 31-33

These processes represent the production of a Z boson which subsequently decays either into electrons (nproc=31), neutrinos (nproc=32) or bottom quarks (nproc=33). Where appropriate, the effect of a virtual photon is also included. As noted above, in these latter cases m34min > 0 is obligatory. The calculation may be performed at NLO, although the NLO calculation of process 33 does not include radiation from the bottom quarks (i.e. radiation occurs in the initial state only).

When ‘removebr‘ is ‘.true.‘ in process 31, the Z boson does not decay.

Feynman diagram for LO Z production (process 31):


0.1.1 Comparison to ATLAS data at 13 TeV

This calculation is based on ref. [1] and the process can be run by using ‘nproc = 31‘. More information can also be found in [/build/input˙Z.ini](input˙Z.ini) and [/build/input˙Zjet.ini](input˙Zjet.ini) in addition to the information provided in the following table.

0.1.2 Fiducial cuts for Z e-e+ at √-
 s = 13 TeV

Lepton Cuts: pTl > 25 GeV, |ηl| < 2.4 Separation Cuts: 76.2 < mZ < 106.2

The results from the processes and experimental data are demonstrated in the histograms.



0.1.3 Comparison to ATLAS data at 8 TeV

This calculation, involving a lepton pair with non zero pT, is based on ref. [2] and the process can be run by using ‘nproc = 41‘.


[1]    CMS collaboration, Measurements of differential Z boson production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s- = 13 TeV, JHEP 12 (2019) 061 [1909.04133].

[2]    A. Apyan, W. Cuozzo, M. Klute, Y. Saito, M. Schott and B. Sintayehu, Opportunities and challenges of Standard Model production cross section measurements in proton-proton collisions at √s- =8 TeV using CMS Open Data, JINST 15 (2020) P01009 [1907.08197].