462 f(-p1)+f(-p2) W+(ν(p3)+μ+(p4))+W-(e-(p5)+ν(p6))+f(p7)+f(p8)

462.1 Diboson+jet production, processes 461–487

These processes represent the production of a vector boson pair in association with a jet. They are the counterparts of the corresponding diboson process (nproc-400) described above, but also including a jet in the final state. They may be computed to NLO. Amplitudes are taken from refs. [123].

462.2 Plotter

nplotter_WWjet.f is the default plotting routine.

462.3 Example input and output file(s)

input462.ini process462.out


[1]    J.M. Campbell, D.J. Miller and T. Robens, Next-to-Leading Order Predictions for WW+Jet Production, Phys. Rev. D 92 (2015) 014033 [1506.04801].

[2]    J. Campbell, D. Miller and T. Robens, WW + jet at 14 and 100 TeV, PoS ICHEP2016 (2016) 686 [1611.01700].

[3]    J.M. Campbell, G. De Laurentis and R.K. Ellis, Vector boson pair production at one loop: analytic results for the process qqg, JHEP 07 (2022) 096 [2203.17170].