Chapter 6
Input file configuration

6.1 Run-time input file parameters

MCFM execution is performed in the Bin/ directory, with syntax:

mcfm input.ini

If no command line options are given, then MCFM will default to using the file input.ini in the current directory for choosing options. The input.ini file can be in any directory and then the first argument to mcfm should be the location of the file. Furthermore, one can overwrite or append single configuration options with additional parameters like:

./mcfm benchmark/input.ini -general%part=nlo -lhapdf%dopdferrors=.true.

Here specifying a parameter uses a single dash, then the section name as in the input file (see below), followed by a percent sign, followed by the option name, followed by an equal sign and the actual value of the setting.

All default settings in the input file are explained below, as well as further optional parameters. The top level setting mcfm_version specifies the input file version number and it must match the version of the code being used.

The general structure of a fixed-order calculation up to NNLO is as follows:

σ = σ0 + Δσ1 + Δσ2, (6.1)

where Δσk is of order αsk with respect to the leading order cross section σ0, thus representing the NkLO contribution to the cross section. When performing the NLO calculation using dipole subtraction its contribution to the cross section can be decomposed as,

Δσ1 = Δσ1v + Δσ 1r. (6.2)

Δσ1v includes virtual (loop) contributions, as well as counterterms that render them finite. Δσ1r includes contributions from diagrams involving real parton emission, again with counterterms to make them finite. Only the sum of Δσ1v and Δσ1v is physical.

This contribution can also be computed using a slicing method with the corresponding decomposition,

Δσ1a = Δσ 1a,< + Δσ 1a,>. (6.3)

a labels the slicing resolution variable, which in MCFM can be either 0-jettiness, qT (of a color-singlet system) or pTj1 (lead jet pT) (thus corresponding to a jet veto). Δσ1a,< is termed the below-cut slicing contribution which is computed by the means of a factorization theorem and includes loop contributions. Δσ1a,> is the above-cut contribution containing radiation of an additional parton. Only the sum Δσ1a is physical and contains a dependence on the slicing resolution variable acut that tends to zero as acut 0

At NNLO only slicing calculations are available. The decomposition is,

Δσ2a = Δσ 2a,< + Δσ 2a,v> + Δσ 2a,r>. (6.4)

Δσ2a,< is the below-cut slicing contribution containing 2-loop contributions. Δσ1a,v> is the above-cut contribution containing loop corrections to radiation of an additional parton. Δσ1a,r> is the above-cut contribution representing radiation of up to two additional partons. Only the sum Δσ2a is physical and contains a dependence on the slicing resolution variable acut that tends to zero as acut 0

The type of computation that is performed depends on the parameter part in the general section. The list of possible values, and the associated meaning, is shown in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. They can also be listed by setting part equal to help in the input file.

Table 6.1: Possible values for the parameter part that correspond to performing a fixed-order calculation.












σ0 + Δσ1. For photon processes that include fragmentation, nlo also includes the calculation of the fragmentation (frag) contributions.


Processes 280, 285, 290, 295, 300-302, 305-307, 820-823 only, see sections 13.67, 13.72 and 13.73 below.


Processes 114, 161, 166, 171, 176, 181, 186, 141, 146, 149, 233, 238, 501, 511 only, see sections 13.39 and 13.41 below.








σ0 + Δσ1a








Δσ1a,< + Δσ2a,<


Δσ1a,> + Δσ2a,v>






σ0 + Δσ1 + Δσ2a

Table 6.2: Possible values for the parameter part that correspond to performing a calculation including large-log resummation.




NLL resummed and matched


NLL resummed only


NLLp resummed only


NNLL resummed expanded to NLO


NNLL resummed


fixed-order matching to NLO


matching corrections at NLO


NNLLp resummed


N3LL resummed expanded to NNLO


N3LL resummed


fixed-order matching to NLO


matching corrections at NLO


NLLp resummed and matched


NNLL resummed, matched to NLO


N3LL resummed, matched to NLO


N3LL resummed, matched to NNLO


N3LLp resummed, matched to NNLO


N3LLp resummed

6.1.1 General

Section general


The process to be studied is given by choosing a process number, according to Tables in Section 4. f(pi) denotes a generic partonic jet. Processes denoted as “LO” may only be calculated in the Born approximation. For photon processes, “NLO+F” signifies that the calculation may be performed both at NLO and also including the effects of photon fragmentation and experimental isolation. In contrast, “NLO” for a process involving photons means that no fragmentation contributions are included and isolation is performed according to the procedure of Frixione [55].


The type of calculation to be performed. Possible values are given in Tables 6.1 and 6.2.


When MCFM is run, it will write output to several files. The label runstring will be included in the names of these files.


Directory for output and snapshot files


Center of mass energy in GeV.

ih1, ih2

The identities of the incoming hadrons may be set with these parameters, allowing simulations for both pp¯ (such as the Tevatron) and pp (such as the LHC). Setting ih1 equal to +1 corresponds to a proton, whilst 1 corresponds to an anti-proton.


When set to .true. then all bosons are produced on-shell. This is appropriate for calculations of total cross-sections (such as when using removebr equal to .true., below). When interested in decay products of the bosons this should be set to .false..


When set to .true. the branching ratios are removed for unstable particles such as vector bosons or top quarks. See the process notes in Section 13, or the process web-pages accessed via the list of processes for further details.


Specifies whether or not to compute EW corrections for the process. Default is none. May be set to exact or sudakov for processes 31 (neutral-current DY), 157 (top-pair production) and 190 (di-jet production). For more details see section 5.3.

6.1.2 Resummation

Section resummation


If .true., then MCFM performs the convolution required to produce beam functions from PDFs and saves the result as an LHAPDF grid file. The generated grid files are placed in the directory gridoutpath from LHAPDF grids in the directory gridinpath. After the grid generation MCFM stops and should be run subsequently with makegrid = .false. and usegrid = .true.. When lhapdf%dopdferrors=.true. then also grids for the error sets are generated.


.true. or .false. determines whether pregenerated LHAPDF interpolation grids should be used for the resummation beam functions. Setting usegrid = .true. is much more efficient, after a suitable run with makegrid = .true. (see above).


Output directory for LHAPDF grid files, for example /home/tobias/local/share/LHAPDF/


Input directory for LHAPDF grid files, for example /home/tobias/local/share/LHAPDF/


Integration range of purely resummed part, for example 0.0 80.0 for qT integration between 0 and 80 GeV.


Integration range of fixed-order expanded resummed part, for example 1.0 80.0 for qT integration between 1 and 80 GeV.


Lower qT cutoff q0 for the fixed-order part. Typically the value should agree with the lower range of resexp_range.


Parameter passed to the plotting routine to modify the transition function, see text.

6.1.3 NNLO

Section nnlo


Optional. This sets the value of the jettiness variable τcut, as a multiple of the invariant mass of the Born system, i.e.

τcut = taucut× Q (6.5)

This variable separates the resolved and unresolved regions in NNLO calculations that use zero-jettiness. The default value results in total inclusive cross sections with less than 1% residual cutoff effects.


Optional. Array that specifies multiple taucut values that should be sampled on the fly in addition to the nominal taucut value. Both larger and smaller values than the nominal one can be specified, although uncertainties for smaller values will be large. We generally do not recommend smaller values than the nominal one chosen with taucut. Default values are chosen to be 2,4,8,20,40 times the nominal choice of taucut.


Optional. If .false., the taucut value specified is not multiplied by the invariant mass of the Born system. Default is .true..


Flag to use qT slicing, rather than 0-jettiness, in the calculation of NNLO contributions. Default is .false.


If .true., implement non-local qT subtraction using formulas from Gehrmann et al.(GLY) [56]. Default is .true. when useqt is enabled. If .false, implement non-local qT subtraction using formulas from Billis et al.(BEMT) [57].


If useqt is enabled, the value of the slicing parameter, defined in the same way as taucut described above.


When using 0-jettiness, perform the slicing cut in the centre-of-mass of the color singlet system. Default is .true.


When using 0-jettiness, include leading power corrections in the below-cut calculation. Default is .false.


When using 0-jettiness, only compute the power corrections to the below-cut calculation. Default is .false.


This flag has two separate uses. In a fixed-order sliciing calculation, e.g. part is equal to snlo or nnlo, the code uses pTveto slicing, rather than 0-jettiness, in the calculation of higher-order contributions. In a resummed calculation, e.g. part is equal to resNLO or resNNLO, it enables the use of pTveto resummation rather that qT resummation. In this case the value of the jet veto (ptveto) is set separately in the resummation block. Default is .false.


Implements pTveto formalism using the refactorized approach of Ref. [58]. Otherwise uses original ‘B × B × S’ factorization of below-cut cross-section into beam and soft functions (that gives identical results). Default is .true.

6.1.4 PDFs

Section pdf


This specifies the parton distributions used in the case when the code has been built with PDFROUTINES = NATIVE. The choice of parton distribution is made by inserting the appropriate 7-character code from Table ?? or in Tables ?? and ?? for historical PDF sets. As mentioned above, this also sets the value of αS(MZ).

6.1.5 LHAPDF

Section lhapdf


Specifies the parton distributions used in the case when the code has been built with PDFROUTINES = LHAPDF. For a default global installation the PDFs reside in /usr/share/LHAPDF/ or /usr/local/share/LHAPDF, and the name equals the set name from, which is also the directory name of the sets. Multiple PDF sets separated by a space can be specified.


Specifies the individual members of the parton distribution sets. A value of zero corresponds to the central value for Hessian sets. In the case when multiple sets have been specified above, each one needs a member number separated by space.


When this is set to .true., PDF uncertainties are calculated for every specified PDF set according to the routines provided by LHAPDF. The lhapdfmember numbers are ignored but must still be set for each member.

6.1.6 Scales

Section scales


This parameter may be used to adjust the value of the renormalization scale. This is the scale at which αS is evaluated and will typically be set to a mass scale appropriate to the process (MW, MZ, mt for instance).


This parameter may be used to adjust the value of the factorization scale and will typically be set to a mass scale appropriate to the process (MW, MZ, mt for instance).


This character string is used to specify whether the renormalization, factorization and fragmentation scales are dynamic, i.e. recalculated on an event-by-event basis. If this string is set to ‘none’ then the scales are fixed for all events at the values specified by renscale, facscale as well as fragmentation_scale as defined further below.

The type of dynamic scale to be used is selected by using a particular string for the variable dynamicscale, as indicated in Table 6.10. Not all scales are defined for each process, with program execution halted if an invalid selection is made in the input file. The selection chooses a reference scale, μ0. The actual scales used in the code are then,

μren = renscale× μ0,μfac = facscale× μ0 (6.6)

Note that, for simplicity, the fragmentation scale (relevant only for processes involving photons) is set equal to the renormalization scale. In some cases it is possible for the dynamic scale to become very large. This can cause problems with the interpolation of data tables for the PDFs and fragmentation functions. As a result if a dynamic scale exceeds a maximum of 60 TeV (PDF) or 990 GeV (fragmentation) this value is set by default to the maximum.


This additional option can be set to .true. to enable scale variation. It performs a variation of the scales used in 6.6 by a factor of two so that it surveys the additional possibilities,

(2μren,μfac),(μren2,μfac), (6.7)

The histograms corresponding to these different choices are included in the output file, from which an envelope of theoretical uncertainty may be constructed by the user.


Number of additional scale variation points to choose, can be set to two or six. For two it just samples the first two variations as in Eq. 6.7.

dynamic scale μ02 comments
m(34) (p3 + p4)2
m(345) (p3 + p4 + p5)2
m(3456) (p3 + p4 + p5 + p6)2
sqrt(M^2+pt34^2) M2 + (pT3 + pT4)2 M = mass of particle 3+4
sqrt(M^2+pt345^2) M2 + (pT3 + pT4 + pT5)2 M = mass of particle 3+4+5
sqrt(M^2+pt5^2) M2 + pT52 M = mass of particle 3+4
sqrt(M^2+ptj1^2) M2 + pTj12 M = mass(3+4), j1 = leading pT jet
pt(photon) pTγ2
pt(j1) pTj12
HT i=1npTi n particles (partons, not jets)
Table 6.10: Choices of the input parameter dynamicscale that result in an event-by-event calculation of all relevant scales using the given reference scale-squared μ02.

6.1.7 Masses

Section masses


Higgs pole mass


Top-quark pole mass


Bottom-quark pole mass


Charm-quark pole mass


W-boson pole mass


Z-boson pole mass

6.1.8 Basic jets

Section basicjets


This logical parameter chooses whether the calculated cross-section should be inclusive in the number of jets found at NLO. An exclusive cross-section contains the same number of jets at next-to-leading order as at leading order. An inclusive cross-section may instead contain an extra jet at NLO.


This specifies the jet-finding algorithm that is used, and can take the values ktal (for the Run II kT-algorithm), ankt (for the “anti-kT” algorithm [59]), cone (for a midpoint cone algorithm), hqrk (for a simplified cone algorithm designed for heavy quark processes) and none (to specify no jet clustering at all). The latter option is only a sensible choice when the leading order cross-section is well-defined without any jet definition: e.g. the single top process, qq¯ tb¯, which is finite as pT(b¯) 0.

ptjetmin, etajetmax

These specify the values of pT,min and |η|max for the jets that are found by the algorithm.


Optional parameter for setting a minimum jet rapidity |η|min.


Optional parameter for setting maximum jet pT,max


If the final state of the chosen process contains either quarks or gluons then for each event an attempt will be made to form them into jets. For this it is necessary to define the jet separation

ΔR = Δ η 2 + Δ ϕ 2 (6.8)

so that after jet combination, all jet pairs are separated by ΔR > Rcutjet.


Optional parameter for using jet rapidity rather than pseudorapidity when performing jet cuts. Default is .true..

6.1.9 Mass cuts

Section masscuts

m34min, m34max, m56min, m56max, m3456min, m3456max

These parameters represent a basic set of mass cuts that are be applied to the calculated cross-section. The only events that contribute to the cross-section will have, for example, m34min < m34 < m34max where m34 is the invariant mass of particles 3 and 4 that are specified by nproc. m34min > 0 is obligatory for processes which can involve a virtual photon, such as nproc=31. By default, the maximum settings are set to s.

6.1.10 Cuts

Section cuts


If this parameter is set to .false., then no additional cuts are applied to the events (apart from those in Sections 6.1.8 and 6.1.9) and the remaining parameters in this section are ignored. Otherwise, events will be rejected according to a set of cuts that is specified below. Further options may be implemented by editing src/User/gencuts_user.f90.

ptleptmin, etaleptmax

These specify the values of pT,min and |η|max for one of the leptons produced in the process. One can also introduce optional settings ptleptmax and etaleptmin.


This should be specified as a pair of double precision numbers that indicate a rapidity range that should be excluded for the lepton that passes the above cuts.


Specifies the minimum missing transverse momentum (coming from neutrinos).

ptlept2min, etalept2max

These specify the values of pT,min and |η|max for the remaining leptons in the process. This allows for staggered cuts where, for instance, only one lepton is required to be hard and central. One can also introduce optional settings ptlept2max and etalept2min.


This should be specified as a pair of double precision numbers (separated by a space) that indicate a rapidity range that should be excluded for the remaining leptons.

6.1.11 Cuts (continued)

Section cuts


For general processes, this specifies the minimum transverse mass of particles 3 and 4,

general : 2pT(3)pT(4) (1 pT(3) pT(4) pT(3)pT(4) ) > m34transmin (6.9)

For the W( ℓν)γ process the role of this cut changes, to become instead a cut on the transverse cluster mass of the (ℓγ,ν) system,

: mT2 = [m ℓγ2 + |pT() + pT(γ)|2 + pT(ν)]2|pT()+pT(γ)+pT(ν)|2
mT > m34transmin (6.10)

For the process this parameter specifies a simple invariant mass cut,

Zγ : m > m34transmin (6.11)

A final mode of operation applies to the process and is triggered by a negative value of m34transmin. This allows simple access to the cut that was employed in v6.0 of the code:

,obsolete : mT2 = [p T() + pT(γ) + pT(ν)]2 |p T() + pT(γ) + pT(ν)|2
mT > |m34transmin| (6.12)

In each case the screen output indicates the cut that is applied.


Using the definition of ΔR given above in Eq.6.8), requires that all jet-lepton pairs are separated by ΔR > R(jet,lept)_min.


When non-zero, all lepton-lepton pairs must be separated by ΔR > R(lept,lept)_min.


This enforces a rapidity gap between the two hardest jets j1 and j2, so that: |ηj1 ηj2| > delyjjmin.


If this parameter is set to .true., then the two hardest jets are required to lie in opposite hemispheres, ηj1 ηj2 < 0.


This integer parameter provides no additional cuts when it takes the value 0. When equal to 1 or 2, leptons are required to lie between the two hardest jets. With the ordering ηj < ηj+ for the rapidities of jets j1 and j2: lbjscheme = 1 : ηj < ηleptons < ηj+; lbjscheme = 2 : ηj+ Rcutjet < ηleptons < ηj+Rcutjet.

ptbjetmin, etabjetmax

If a process involving b-quarks is being calculated, then these can be used to specify stricter values of pTmin and |η|max for b-jets. Similarly, values for ptbjetmax and etabjetmin can be specified.

6.1.12 Photon

Note that all the photon cuts specified in this section of the input file, are applied even if makecuts is set to .false..

Section photon


This parameter is a logical variable that determines whether the production of photons by a parton fragmentation process is included. If fragmentation is set to .true., the code uses a standard cone isolation procedure (that includes LO fragmentation contributions in the NLO calculation). If fragmentation is set to .false., the code implements a Frixione-style photon cut [55],

iR0ET,ij < 𝜖 hETγ (1 cos R 1 cos R0 )n. (6.13)

In this equation, R0, 𝜖h and n are defined by cone_ang, epsilon_h and n_pow respectively (see below). ET,ij is the transverse energy of a parton, ETγ is the transverse energy of the photon and R is the separation between the photon and the parton using the usual definition

R = Δ ϕ 2 + Δ η 2. (6.14)

n is an integer parameter which by default is set to 1.


A length eight character variable that is used to choose the particular photon fragmentation set. Currently implemented fragmentation functions can be called with ‘BFGSet_I’, ‘BFGSetII[60] or ‘GdRG__LO[61].


A double precision variable that will be used to choose the scale at which the photon fragmentation is evaluated.


This specifies the value of pTmin for the photon with the largest transverse momentum. Note that this cut, together with all the photon cuts specified in this section of the input file, are applied even if makecuts is set to .false.. One can also add an entry for gammptmax to cut on a range.


This specifies the value of |y|max for any photons produced in the process. One can also add an entry for gammrapmin to cut on a range.

gammpt2, gammpt3

The values of pTmin for the second and third photons, ordered by pT.


Using the usual definition of R above, this requires that all photon-lepton pairs are separated by R > Rgalmin. This parameter must be non-zero for processes in which photon radiation from leptons is included.


Using the usual definition of R above, this requires that all photon pairs are separated by R > Rgagamin.


Using the usual definition of R above, this requires that all photon-jet pairs are separated by R > Rgajetmin.


Fixes the cone size (R0) for photon isolation. This cone is used in both forms of isolation.


This cut controls the amount of radiation allowed in cone when fragmentation is set to .true.. If epsilon_h < 1 then the photon is isolated using R0ET(had) < 𝜖hpTγ. Otherwise epsilon_h > 1 sets ET(max) in R0ET(had) < ET(max).


When using the Frixione isolation prescription, the exponent n in Eq. (6.13).


This is only operational when using the Frixione isolation prescription. If fixed_coneenergy is .false. then 𝜖h controls the amount of hadronic energy allowed inside the cone using the Frixione isolation prescription (see above, Eq. (6.13)) If fixed_coneenergy is .true. then this formula is replaced by one where 𝜖hETγ 𝜖h.

hybrid, R_inner

If hybrid is set to .true. use a hybrid isolation scheme with Frixione isolation on an inner cone of radius R_inner.

6.1.13 Histograms

Section histogram


Write output histograms suitable as input for top-drawer.


Write output histograms as whitespace-separated columns.


Use the new plotting infrastructure introduced in MCFM-10.0

6.1.14 Imtegration

Section integration


When .true. and the number of MPI processes is a power of two, the Sobol sequence is used, see ref. [62], otherwise the MT19937 pseudo random number generator.


Initialization seed for MT19937 pseudo random number generator.


Relative precision goal for the integration.


When .true. the automatically written snapshot from a previous run will be read-in to resume the integration.


When .true. histograms are written after each Vegas iteration.


Sets the relative precision goal for the warmup run. Unless this precision is reached, the number of calls for the warmup is increased.


Sets the χ2 per iteration goal for the warmup run. Unless the χ2it. of the warmup is below this target, the number of calls for the warmup is increased.

6.2 Process specific options

6.2.1 Single Top

Section singletop


Sets real Wilson coefficient of 𝒬(3,33) φq for processes 164 and 169. See 13.40 and ref. [33].


Sets real and imaginary part of the 𝒬33φud Wilson coefficient.


Sets real and imaginary part of the 𝒬33uW Wilson coefficient.


Sets real and imaginary part of the 𝒬33dW Wilson coefficient.


Sets real and imaginary part of the 𝒬33uG Wilson coefficient.


Sets real and imaginary part of the 𝒬33dG Wilson coefficient.


Scale Λ, see 13.40 and ref. [33].


Enable contributions of order 1Λ4 when set to .true..


When set to .true. the pure SM contributions are disabled, and just the SM-EFT interference and EFT contributions are calculated.


When set to .true. at LO one can reproduce results obtained without power counting as in the anomalous couplings approach, see 13.40 and ref. [33].

nnlo_enable_light, nnlo_enable_heavy_prod, nnlo_enable_heavy_decay, nnlo_enable_interf_lxh, nnlo_enable_interf_lxd, nnlo_enable_interf_hxd, nnlo_fully_inclusive

At NNLO there are several different contributions from vertex corrections on the light-quark line, heavy-quark line in production, and heavy-quark line in the top-quark decay. Additionally there are one-loop times one-loop interference contributions between all three contributions. For a fully inclusive calculation without decay nnlo_fully_inclusive has to be set to ‘.true.‘ and the decay and decay interference parts have to be removed. Additionally jet requirements must be lifted. For further information see Section 13.39.

6.2.2 Anomalous WZ couplings

Section anom_wz


Boolean flag to enable anomalous W-boson and Z-boson coupling contributions for certain processes. False has the same effect as setting all anomalous couplings to zero, but additionally skips computation of anomalous coupling code parts.


Δg1Z See section 13.24.


ΔκZ See section 13.24.


Δκγ See sections 13.24 and 13.72.


ΛZ See section 13.24.


Λγ See sections 13.24 and 13.72.


h1Z Anomalous couplings for process at NNLO. See section 13.73.


h1γ See section 13.73.


h2Z See section 13.73.


h2γ See section 13.73.


h3Z See section 13.73.


h3γ See section 13.73.


h4Z See section 13.73.


h4γ See section 13.73.


Form-factor scale, in TeV See section 13.24. No form-factors are applied to the anomalous couplings if this value is negative.

6.2.3 WZ+2 jets

Section wz2jet


This only has an effect when running a W + 2 jets or Z + 2 jets process. When .true., it includes the effect of four-quark processes. Please see section 13.10 below.


This only has an effect when running a W + 2 jets or Z + 2 jets process. When .true., it includes the effect of two-quark, two-gluon processes. Please see section 13.10 below.

6.2.4 H jetmass

Section hjetmass


Sets the order k = 0,2,4 of the 1mtk expansion for virtual corrections in the H+jet process 200. See section 13.43.

6.2.5 Anomalous H couplings

Section anom_higgs


For processes 123126, 128133 only, this variable provides a rescaling of the width of the Higgs boson. Couplings are rescaled such that the corresponding cross section close to the Higgs boson peak is unchanged. Further details of this procedure are given in arXiv:1311.3589.


See arXiv:1311.3589.

6.2.6 Extra

Section extra


A logical variable which can be used during a debugging phase to mandate special behaviours. Passed by common block common/debug/debug.


A logical variable which can be used during a debugging phase to write special information. Passed in common block common/verbose/verbose.


A logical variable which can be used during a debugging phase to test alternative versions of the phase space. Passed in common block common/new_pspace/new_pspace.


A logical variable. If spira is .true., we calculate the width of the Higgs boson by interpolating from a table calculated using the NLO code of M. Spira. The default value is .true.. Otherwise the LO value valid for low Higgs masses only is used.


A logical variable. The default value is .false.. If set to .true., no processes involving initial gluons are included.


A logical variable. The default value is .false.. If set to .true., only the processes involving initial gluons in both hadrons are included.


A logical variable. The default value is .false.. If set to .true., only the processes involving an initial gluon in one hadron and an initial quark or antiquark in the other hadron (or vice versa) are included.


A logical variable. The default value is .false.. If set to .true., the gluon-gluon initial state is not included.


This logical parameter determines whether clustering is performed to yield jets. Only during a debugging phase should this variable be set to .false..


If colourchoice=0, all colour structures are included (W,Z + 2 jets). If colourchoice=1, only the leading colour structure is included (W,Z + 2 jets).


A minimum value of s12, which ensures that the invariant mass of the incoming partons can never be less than rtsmin.


Flag to set the use of the user-implemented reweighting procedure reweight_user in the routine src/User/gencuts_user.f90.

6.2.7 Dipoles

Section dipoles


A double precision variable which can be used to limit the kinematic range for the subtraction of initial-initial dipoles as suggested by Trocsanyi and Nagy [63]. The value aii=1 corresponds to standard Catani-Seymour subtraction.


A double precision variable which can be used to limit the kinematic range for the subtraction of initial-final dipoles as suggested by Trocsanyi and Nagy [63]. The value afi=1 corresponds to standard Catani-Seymour subtraction.


A double precision variable which can be used to limit the kinematic range for the subtraction of final-initial dipoles as suggested by Trocsanyi and Nagy [63]. The value afi=1 corresponds to standard Catani-Seymour subtraction.


A double precision variable which can be used to limit the kinematic range for the subtraction of final-final dipoles as suggested by Trocsanyi and Nagy [63]. The value aff=1 corresponds to standard Catani-Seymour subtraction.


A double precision variable which can be used to limit the kinematic range for the subtraction of final-initial dipoles in the photon fragmentation case.


A double precision variable which can be used to limit the kinematic range for the subtraction of final-final dipoles in the photon fragmentation case.