Chapter 16
Versions prior to MCFM-9
16.1 MCFM-8
MCFM-8.3.tar.gz (released April 4th, 2019), v8.3 manual (PDF)
- New processes for off-shell SM and SMEFT single-top-quark production
MCFM-8.2.tar.gz (released February 8th, 2018)
- Implementation of high-pt treatment of mass effects in H+jet process.
MCFM-8.1.tar.gz (released December 19th, 2017)
- Electroweak one-loop corrections for Z, top-pair and di-jet production.
- Z+photon process at NNLO including anomalous couplings.
- H+2 jet process with a finite top-quark mass (LO) and H+jet with finite top-quark mass effects (NLO)
- Support for boosted (as opposed to hadronic) definition of jettiness, which is now also used as default.
- Support for pt and rapidity ranges for most cuts in the input file.
- Native implementation of two PDF sets containing photons: mrstqed and CT14qed.
MCFM-8.0.tar.gz (released May 25th, 2016; updated June 2nd to fix MMHT implementation)
- Introduced NNLO capability for color-singlet processes.
- Overall improvement in speed.
16.2 MCFM-7
MCFM-7.0.1.tar.gz (released October 29th, 2015)
- Fixed error in real calculation for some versions of gcc 4.x.
- Updated output to support ROOT6.
MCFM-7.0.tar.gz (released March 21st, 2015; updated June 11 for gfortran 4.9)
- Code compiles with the OpenMP flag to automatically exploit all available threads.
- Added four-photon process at NLO.
- Inclusion of vector boson fusion/vector boson scattering processes at LO.
- After Higgs discovery, added s-channel Higgs diagrams to the gg->VV processes.
16.3 MCFM-6
- Added process for diphoton+jet production at NLO.
- Added identical-particle interference effects for 4-lepton production and effect of WW/ZZ interference for 2-lepton, 2-neutrino production.
- Added additional decay modes for WW and ZZ processes.
- Fixed bug in triphoton process at NLO.
MCFM-6.7.tar.gz (December 6th, 2013)
- New implementation of box contribution including massive loops.
- Added processes for triphoton production at NLO, 1-loop Higgs pair production.
- Fixed errors reported in native histograms and improved PDF uncertainty output.
MCFM-6.6.tar.gz (April 1st, 2013)
- Implementation of single top tH and tZ processes.
- Implementation of dark matter mono-jet and mono-photon processes.
- Inclusion of TensorReduction library for one-loop integrals.
- MCFM-6.5.tar.gz (March 5th, 2013)
mcfm-6.4.tar.gz (December 22nd, 2012)
- Corrected bug in implementation of one-loop amplitudes for H+2q+2g processes.
- Enabled effect of removebr for process 307.
- Fixed the implementation of a dynamic scale for single top + b processes.
- Added a new scale choice for top production ().
- Improved numerical stability in calculation of virtual contribution to process 201 and in calculation of real corrections to processes 180-187.
mcfm-6.3.tar.gz (August 10th, 2012)
- Added processes giving the radiation in the hadronic decay of the W+W- process.
- Added processes giving the gg to H to WW process with radiation in the hadronic decay of the W.
- Added processes giving the production and decay of t tbar W+/- including radiation in the semi-leptonic decay of the top and the anti-top.
- Added processes giving the in the gluon fusion production process.
- Added processes describing production of and +jet at NLO.
mcfm-6.2.tar.gz (April 10th, 2012)
- Added processes that give results for the t-channel single top process in the four-flavour scheme with top decay;
- Added process for Higgs + 2 jets, with Higgs decaying to ;
- Added processes for Wb production from charm quarks;
- Added LO processes for Higgs + 3 jets with Higgs decaying to WW or ZZ;
- Added LO process for identical fermions in ZZ decay;
- corrected small bugs.
mcfm-6.1.tar.gz (October 19th, 2011)
- inclusion of massive (t,b) loops in diagrams;
- new process for computing effect of interference with Higgs diagrams for ;
- inclusion of direct photon production including fragmentation;
- anomalous couplings for and production;
- improved interface and output, corrected small bugs.
mcfm-6.0.tar.gz (May 2nd, 2011)
- NLO results for Wbb production including heavy quark mass effects;
- inclusion of , and processes with fragmentation;
- gluon-initiated contributions to diboson processes;
- small correction to Z+2 jet process and other bug fixes.
16.4 MCFM-5 and before
- mcfm-5.8.tar.gz (April 9th, 2010)
- mcfm-5.7.tar.gz (January 22nd, 2010)
- mcfm-5.6.tar.gz (July 31st, 2009)
- mcfm-5.5.tar.gz (June 5th, 2009)
- mcfm-5.4.tar.gz (March 12th, 2009)
- mcfm-5.3.tar.gz (October 21st, 2008)
- mcfm-5.2.tar.gz (July 12th, 2007)
- mcfm-5.1.tar.gz (June 1st, 2006)
- mcfm-5.0.tar.gz (April 25th, 2006)
- mcfm-4.1.tar.gz (January 17th, 2005)
mcfm-4.0.tar.gz (October 15th, 2004)
- Major revision of the code, which now includes single top processes.
mcfm-3.4.5.tar.gz (December 23rd, 2003)
- Minor update, addition of LO WW production with no polarization info, process 64.
mcfm-3.4.4.tar.gz (September 3rd, 2003)
- Minor update, mostly cosmetic changes.
mcfm-3.4.3.tar.gz (July 2nd, 2003)
- Bug fixes for input files using the ’tota’ option at NLO.
mcfm-3.4.2.tar.gz (June 6th, 2003)
- Further minor improvements over version 3.4.1.
mcfm-3.4.1.tar.gz (May 29th, 2003)
- Minor improvements over version 3.4.
mcfm-3.4.tar.gz (April 24th, 2003)
- Version 3.4 contains a number of new Higgs production processes at next-to-leading order.
- mcfm-3.2.tar.gz (October 1st, 2002)
mcfm-2.1.tar.gz (December 14th, 2001)
- An old version, preserved for historical value only.
- An old version, preserved for historical value only.